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Scholarly publishing and peer review

Annually, we publish approximately twenty peer-reviewed scholarly volumes in the field of humanities. Our Studia Fennica series, published in English, includes works from the fields of anthropology, ethnology, folklore studies, history, literature, and linguistics. Our new titles are published in print and open access.

The high quality of SKS academic publications is ensured by our rigorous peer review process. We use the Federation of Finnish Learned Societies’ label for peer-reviewed scholarly publications.

We are happy to receive book proposals! Read more on our peer review process below. Click here to read on how to submit a manuscript.

Our scholarly books are published both in print and as open access e-books that reach a wide audience online.

The book proposals and manuscripts submitted for our Finnish-language scholarly series are handled by the SKS publications coordinator, who takes them to the Publishing Committee responsible for the peer review of each series.

There are two Publishing Committees for Finnish-language books. The SKS Publishing Committee, appointed by the SKS Board of Directors, is responsible for the Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Toimituksia, Tietolipas and Suomi series and also makes the final publishing decisions for all other series.

The SHS Publishing Committee, appointed by the Board of Directors of the Finnish Historical Society, is responsible for the Historiallisia Tutkimuksia and Historiallinen Arkisto series.

Manuscripts that are deemed suitable for our scholarly series are sent to at the minimum two external reviewers. Our peer review process is double-anonymous: The author and reviewers remain anonymous to each other unless otherwise agreed.

The Publishing Committee will decide, based on the review reports, whether or not the manuscript is accepted and whether amendments are requested from the author. In case amendments are requested, the author is asked to draft a detailed revisions report. The manuscript and the report can be sent for an additional reviewer inspection.

Our English language Studia Fennica series is divided into six sub-series:

  • Studia Fennica Anthropologica
  • Studia Fennica Ethnologica
  • Studia Fennica Folkloristica
  • Studia Fennica Historica
  • Studia Fennica Linguistica
  • Studia Fennica Litteraria

The editor-in-chief of each sub-series is responsible for the peer review process. The editors-in-chief and deputy editors-in-chief form the Editorial Board of Studia Fennica. When the Editorial Board considers a manuscript ready for publication, it is sent to the SKS Publishing Committee, responsible for all final publishing decisions.

Peer review reports help authors with their manuscripts as well as the publisher in decision-making.

Submit a manuscript