
Senior ResearcherResearch Department

Areas of expertise

Research field: history

  • history culture in the 19th century
  • letter collections
  • digital humanities
  • historical fiction
  • historiography

I am a historian working in the Research Department of SKS. I am currently leading a multidisciplinary consortium funded by the Finnish Research Council to collect and study metadata from the 19th-century letter collections of Finnish cultural heritage organisations using digital tools.

I have written about historiographical narratology, historical fiction and historical culture, and am currently fascinated by so-called “critical collection history” and data feminism. I also hold the title of docent at the University of Oulu.

Selected publications:

  • Kerrontateoreettiset lähestymistavat historiantutkimuksessa. Sanat siltana menneeseen. Kielelliset lähestymistavat historiantutkimuksessa. Toim. Pasi Ihalainen & Heli Valtonen. Helsinki: Gaudeamus, 2022, 142-164.
  • Tuominen, Jouni; Koho, Mikko; Pikkanen, Ilona; Drobac, Senka; Enqvist, Johanna; Hyvönen, Eero; La Mela, Matti; Leskinen, Petri; Paloposki, Hanna-Leena; Rantala, Heikki: Constellations of Correspondence: a Linked Data Service and Portal for Studying Large and Small Networks of Epistolary Exchange in the Grand Duchy of Finland. Proceedings of the 6th Digital Humanities in the Nordic and Baltic Countries Conference (DHNB 2022) Uppsala, Sweden, March 15-18, 2022. Eds. Karl Berglund, Matti La Mela, Inge Zwart, 415-423.
  • 1590-luvun aateli suomalaisten ja ruotsalaisten historioitsijoiden silmin 1900-luvun alkupuolella. Historiallinen Aikakauskirja 2/2020, 166–177.
  • The Metrics and Poetics of Historical Drama: the Dramatis Personae of a Premodern Revolt in the Early Nineteenth-Century Finland. Orbis Litterarum. Volume 74, Issue 5. October 2019, 311–339.
  • The Emergence of a Story Space: The Image of the Club War (1596–97) in Swedish and Finnish Historiography, 1620–1860. Scandinavian Journal of History, 2018, Vol. 43, No. 4, 515-538.
  • Theatrical Societies: Finland. Encyclopedia of Romantic Nationalism in Europe, ed. Joep Leerssen, 2017 (electronic version; Amsterdam: Study Platform on Interlocking Nationalisms,
  • Linda Kaljundi, Eneken Laanes, Ilona Pikkanen (eds.): Novels, Histories, Novel Nations: Historical Fiction and Cultural Memory in Finland and Estonia. Studia Fennica Historica 19. Helsinki: Finnish Literature Society, 2015. (345 pp.)
  • Theatre Histories and the Construction of National Identity. Cases Norway and Finland. Nationalizing the Past. Historians as Nation-Builders in Modern Europe. Eds. Stefan Berger and Chris Lorenz. Palgrave Macmillan 2010, p. 209–232.

News and topics

15.1.2025 - Book press releases

New book explores experiences of space in Finnish author Maarit Verronen’s oeuvre

12.11.2024 - News

Kati Mikkola appointed as Secretary General of the Finnish Literature Society

12.11.2024 - Book press releases

New book sheds light on arctic hysteria and other strange northern emotions in Finnish literature