Sakari Katajamäki. Kuva: Emma Suominen, SKS


Managing Editor, Edith UnitResearch Department+358 400 908 056

Areas of expertise

Research field: literature

  • textual criticism, textual scholarship, genetic criticism, scholarly editing
  • multidisciplinary relations between literary criticism, translation studies and textual scholarship
  • Aleksis Kivi, Lauri Viita, and Samuel Gustaf Bergh
  • poetry and poetics
  • literary avant-garde and experimental literature
  • digital humanities

I work as Managing Editor of the unit Edith – Critical Editions of Finnish Literature (Finnish Literature Society – SKS) and hold the title of docent at the University of Helsinki and at the Theatre Academy. My editorial work has focused on nineteenth-century Finnish writers Samuel Gustaf Bergh, Aleksis Kivi, Minna Canth and the Finnish translations of Zacharias Topelius’s textbooks.

I am currently PI of the multidisciplinary research project Traces of Translation in the Archives (Kone Foundation), president of the European Society for Textual Scholarship and the chairman of the WSOY Literary Foundation and the Seurasaari Foundation. I am a co-founder of the international conference series GENESIS. Since 2020, I have been an associate member of the Centre for Creativity Research (Jagiellonian University, Kraków).

Selected publications in English

Katajamäki, Sakari, Nordic Traditions: The Study of Modern Finnish and Scandinavian Manuscripts. In: Beloborodova, Olga & Dirk Van Hulle (eds.), Comparative History of The Literary Draft in Europe. Histoire Comparée des Littératures de Langues Européennes XXXV. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 100–111. DOI:

Katajamäki, Sakari & Veijo Pulkkinen, Introduction: The Widening Circles of Genetic Criticism. In: Katajamäki, Sakari & Veijo Pulkkinen (eds.) Genetic Criticism in Motion. New Perspectives on Manuscript Studies. Associate editor Tommi Dunderlin. Studia Fennica Litteraria 14. Helsinki: SKS 2023, 7–14. DOI:

Genetic Criticism in Motion. New Perspectives on Manuscript Studies. Eds. Sakari Katajamäki & Veijo Pulkkinen. Associate editor Tommi Dunderlin. Studia Fennica Litteraria 14. Helsinki: SKS 2023. DOI:

Katajamäki, Sakari, Analysing Irregular Rhyme Sequences: Methodological Experiments with Lauri Viita’s Kukunor (1949). In: Sykäri, Venla & Nigel Fabb (eds.), Rhyme and Rhyming in Verbal Art, Song and Language. Studia Fennica Folkloristica. Helsinki: SKS 2022, 246–263. DOI:

Katajamäki, Sakari & Karina Lukin, Textual Trails from Oral to Written Sources: An Introduction. In: Limited Sources, Boundless Possibilities. Textual Scholarship and the Challenges of Oral and Written Texts. A special issue of RMN Newsletter No 7, December 2013. Eds. Karina Lukin, Frog ja Sakari Katajamäki. Helsinki: Folklore Studies / Dept. of Philosophy, History, Culture and Art Studies, University of Helsinki 2013, 8–17.

Limited Sources, Boundless Possibilities. Textual Scholarship and the Challenges of Oral and Written Texts. A special issue of RMN Newsletter No 7, December 2013. Eds. Karina Lukin, Frog and Sakari Katajamäki. Helsinki: Folklore Studies / Dept. of Philosophy, History, Culture and Art Studies, University of Helsinki 2013.

Katajamäki, Sakari, From Limerick to ‘Rimelick’. The Finnish Nonsense Limerick and Its Transformations. In: Caruso, Carlo & Elisabetta Tarantino (eds.), Nonsense and Other Senses. Dysfunctional Communication and Regulated Absurdity in Literature. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2009, 275–293.

Katajamäki, Sakari, Verba Tene, Res Sequentur – Lewis Carroll’s Play on Words and Linguistic-Textual Generation. In: Marret, Sophie, Lawrence Gasquet & Pascale Renaud-Grossbras (dir.), Lewis Carroll & les mythologies de l’enfence. Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes 2005, 37–48.

Katajamäki, Sakari, Timo Honkela & Oskar Kohonen, In Search for Volta: Statistical Analysis of Word Patterns in Shakespeare’s Sonnets. In: Russell, Ann, Timo Honkela, Krista Lagus & Matti Pöllä (eds.), Proceedings of AMKLC’05, International Symposium on Adaptive Models of Knowledge, Language and Cognition. Espoo: Helsinki University of Technology 2005, 44–47.

News and topics

12.11.2024 - News

Kati Mikkola appointed as Secretary General of the Finnish Literature Society

12.11.2024 - Book press releases

New book sheds light on arctic hysteria and other strange northern emotions in Finnish literature

5.8.2024 - Book press releases

New anthology examines the long history of Finnish-Namibian relations from an anti-colonialist perspective