Veli-Matti Pynttäri. Kuva: Emma Suominen, SKS


ResearcherResearch Department

Areas of expertise

Research field: literature

  • digital methods
  • essayistic literature
  • interwar literature and culture in Finland
  • genre

I work as a researcher in the consortium project Digital History for Literature in Finland (2022-2026) funded by Research Council of Finland, which consists of co-operation between the Department of Literature at the University of Eastern Finland (PI Prof. Kati Launis), University of Turku Data Science (PI Prof. Leo Lahti) and the National Library (PI FT Osma Suominen). The goal of the project is to produce new information about Finnish 19th century fiction using digital methods and digital materials.

I have done my dissertation on the cultural critical production of T. Vaaskivi (1912-1942), and in my post-doctoral research, I have conducted research on essay literature from the perspective of both literary genre and literary history. In addition to digital methods, I am currently particularly interested in questions related to reading, both in the modern world and in the history of books.

Selected publications:

”Vain tämä menettelytapa tuntuu tulokselliselta…” Psykoanalyysin modernin aikakauden myyttinä T. Vaaskiven kulttuurikritiikissä. Dissertation. Turun yliopiston julkaisuja Sarja C osa 312. Turun yliopisto: Turku. 2011.

”1940-luku: Sumusta eteenpäin.” In Maamme-romaani, ed. by Jussi Ojajärvi, Nina Työlahti et al., Nykykulttuurin tutkimuskeskus. Jyväskylän yliopisto: Jyväskylä, 2017.

”Essay as Social Action”. In Essay: Forms and Transformations, ed. by Sabine Colesch-Foisner & Marcus Oppolzer. Universitätsverlag Winter: Heidelberg, 2017.

”Matti Kurjensaaren muotokuvat muista, muistista ja minästä”. Avain. Kirjallisuudentutkimuksen aikakauslehti. 4/2016.

”Recognizing your Class: Toivo Pekkanen, Raoul Palmgren, and the Literature for the Working Class” Journal of Finnish Studies vol. 18, no 2, July 2015.

News and topics

15.1.2025 - Book press releases

New book explores experiences of space in Finnish author Maarit Verronen’s oeuvre

12.11.2024 - News

Kati Mikkola appointed as Secretary General of the Finnish Literature Society

12.11.2024 - Book press releases

New book sheds light on arctic hysteria and other strange northern emotions in Finnish literature