Kirjojen selkämyksiä.

The Kalevala Collection of the SKS Library is one of the world’s largest special collections of various editions of the Finnish national epic, the Kalevala.

The Kalevala Collection includes the epic’s

  • complete Finnish editions, abridgements and adaptations
  • translations into over 60 languages.

The items of the Kalevala Collection are available for reading room use only. The Collection of Cultural Research has a wide selection of Finnish editions and translations of the Kalevala available which can be borrowed and taken home.

The research literature on Kalevala is placed in other collections in the library, especially in the Cultural Research Collection and in the Literary Studies Collection.

Browse references in the SKS Finna

Kirjojen selkämyksiä.

Finnish editions of the Kalevala

complete editions, abridgements, prose versions, versions for children, cartoons, etc.

Kirjoja hyllyssä, lasikaappien ovet auki.

Translations of the Kalevala

complete translations, abridgements, prose versions, and other adaptations

Kirjojen selkämyksiä.

The entire Kalevala Collection

Finnish editions and translations

Background of the Kalevala Collection

The Kalevala Collection is one of the oldest special collections in the library. As early as the 1880s, the acquisitions programme of the library defined that different editions and translations of the Kalevala would be acquired as comprehensively as possible. The collection is still actively accrued.

SKS is the first publisher of the Kalevala. The first edition, the so-called Old Kalevala, was published in 1835. The second edition, “New Kalevala”, which is known as the Finnish national epic, was published in 1849. Editions of the Kalevala continue to be published by various publishers. In particular, a number of different adaptations have appeared in recent years.

The Kalevala is the most translated Finnish book, having been translated into over 60 languages. The earliest published translation of the entire Kalevala is M. A. Castrén’s Swedish translation of the Old Kalevala from 1841. The first complete translation of the New Kalevala in verse form is Anton Schiefner’s German translation from 1852. Translations, reprints, revised editions and adaptations in different languages continue to appear, with many being published even in the 21st century.

Explore our Kalevala resources online

Avoin Kalevala

Kriittisesti kommentoitu editio vuonna 1849 ilmestyneestä Kalevalasta.

Elias Lönnrotin kirjeenvaihto

Elias Lönnrotin 6 300 kirjeen laajuinen kirjeenvaihto, noin 2 900 lähetettyä ja 3 400 vastaanotettua kirjettä.


Täältä löydät vuoden 1849 Kalevalan tekstin kokonaisuudessaan sekä perustietoa kansalliseepoksesta suomen lisäksi kymmenellä kielellä.

Matkalla Kalevalaan

Kansalliseepoksen taustaa, sisältöä ja tulkintoja viimeisimpiä tutkimustuloksia hyödyntäen. Sisältää myös oppimistehtäviä.

Photos: Gary Wornell, Emma Suominen.